Showing Up

Last Wednesday I joined Sarah Canney on her Instagram live show. Each week Sarah interviews women who have taken big risks towards achieving their goals and dreams. I was beyond honored that Sarah thought of asking me to come on her show. The list of women she interviews is seriously impressive and women I often look up to around business achievements and striving to create a service that is both ethically and clinically sound while showing up as my authentic self.

To prepare to be on the live show my dear friend @kerrilmurphy and I prepared by sending each other daily videos where we tested different lighting, and practiced being comfortable in the camera. I felt prepared and even took the time to write out some thoughts for the live show.

Then Wednesday came and while I was on the show I became aware that my expectation vs reality was not matching up. Sarah was an excellent host. Her questions were on point, thoughtful and gave the watchers some juicy material.

The lighting I had practiced for wasn’t the same on the day of the show, the outfit I had planned didn’t work because it was freezing here in New England and in my head I felt as if I had let Sarah down. The thought became distracting, I forgot my talking points.

I am not going to tie this into a pretty bow and justify away my feelings. I will not tell you that my feelings during that show were not valid. What I will tell you though is that my perception of the events was not 100% accurate.

Sure. It was not perfect. Life is so rarely perfect and when we become fixated on getting everything right or showing up as our most put together self then we actual miss out on the beauty of a messy life.

So maybe that is your bow. The bow that reminds you that your life can be messy and still a worthwhile life. It is a bow that tells you that your life can be fine and not fine all at the same time. Your feelings get to be both/and. When you choose to show up, you have to show up for that day and at that time. Be present. Be messy. Be real. 

Want to view the highlights of last weeks instagram live show? Check that out here.

Mary Sanker