Lessons of Spring

Spring is a season of change.

New growth.

Becoming unstuck.

Still craving warmth through the sun.

Feeling the muddy wet ground on your bare feet.

Reminding yourself that in the mess is where our seeds get planted.

In the messy, muddy ground is where the new hope lives.

We start here.

We start in the spring.

We start new.

We start new right where we are.

Let this be your start.

The seasons have so much to tell us. I like to use the seasons to remember that we are part of the earth as the needs of the earth change so do we. We shake off the hibernation. We are ready for a different kind of interaction.

This happens in motherhood.

This IS motherhood. Your needs change. Your baby changes. Your kids change.

We can see change as something to be controlled OR we can see change as a way to connect back into our truth. Our knowing. Our needs.

In this space- this space of remembering- it is here that you come back to your own mothering roots.

Your mothering roots spring from your roots.

Just a little wiser.

A little more free.

Mary Sanker