You are not a village

You are not a village. 

Your partner is not a village. 

We must work to debunk the myth that women and  the nuclear family can do it all. This is hard because it is hard. 

You gave birth. You were rebirth as a mother, as a parent. 

In 2020 you likely gave birth in a global pandemic. 

THIS is not what you thought. 

The world of modern conveniences and automation has us believing that we can do alone. 

It makes it easy to “set-it and forget it”. 

Babies do not function this way. 

Postpartum mothers do not function this way. 

So what? Is this just the world? 

Nope. You have power here. Don’t you forget that. YOU.  

YOU are this babies parent and YOU are not a village. 

While we may never end up living in small villages with a bunch of aunties and grandmothers to help we can use today’s world to create our village. 

We can build a healthcare team. We can ask for food instead of toys at a baby shower. We can text or call a friend this week and say “How can I show up for you this week” or “I would like to drop off a meal for you this week” OR  JUST DROP OFF FOOD, a good book, mail a card. 

We can start to build our modern villages by starting before we are ready. STOP waiting for permission. YOU are not a village AND you still have the power to create change. 

Mary SankerComment